on our seccond celebrity grade this time we target kathy griffin.
today's title "kathy griffin a laughing stock of a career".
but first lets start with the basics.
couple of weeks ago kathy griffin sparked a controversy when she held
up the severed heard of our president donald j trump, reaction was swift
kathy was fired from cnn and also her tour shows cancelled.
on kathy issues an apoligy, unremorseful at best the same on the next
day when kathy goes before the world at a press conference saying she's
the victim, wow.
kathy now faces a secret service investigation.
were going to address several points in this grade so keep reading on.
lets back up to the beginning shall we?
a behind the scenes tape kathy is heard saying "were not going to
survive this were gonna go to mexico after this" and most infamously
"where going to prison".
amazing how she spells out her own demise.
the slam.... kathy it just goes to show how much of a coward you are not willing to face or own up to a mess you created.
if your so worried about going to jail you should not have done this in the first place now you will reep the consequences.
isis is looking for legitimacy and for the longest time the left has
painted our new president as isis's recruiting tool well look who's
kathy by doing this you have become the recruiting tool you make yourself look like a isis synthesizer.
so kathy you like people getting beheaded?
if that was obama in that picture the reaction and backlash would be far more fervent.
not the first time kathy has displayed disdane for the first family
back in 2016 she said she would like to give a beatdown to the president
and his son barron.
so your trying to say you would beat up an 11 year old child have you gone insane?
speaking of your actions so reckless you even fooled barron trump into thinking the image was real shame on you.
with a failing career as it is kathy desperately tried to keep it together attacking people on the left and mostly the right.
about the time i remember when she said justin bieber should have been
aborted even personalities like joy behar were shocked.
Like hell
you weren't even funny period its been a downward spiral for griffin
since then she made insensitive jokes from lgbt issues to jokes about
mental illness and perverted jokes about children, things that are not
laughing matters.
hey kathy you know what else you look like having said that?
you make yourself sound like a child pedophile something else the secret service should take into account.
griffin's image even marred the late comedian joan rivers legacy.
griffin got on the show and quickly resigned after she pulled a "hurry up and die" dive.
joan was in icu kathy reportedly could not wait for rivers to die so
she could take the top spot and again quickly resigning agitating joans
daughter melissa in clap back that maybe should not be repeated here. what's even more insulting is that you started something joan dies and you get on the show and leave anyway, insult to injury.
in griffin's apoligy tape i noticed how there was an eye roll in the
tape a body language sign there was no sincerity in that tape an apology
you were just doing that so people would feel sorry for you.
lets get into the press conference some classified the presser as a
tear filled one but as we examine the images it was anything but, i saw
the whole thing and there was no tears coming from this map face. which also shows the cold heartedness of the left. no remorse.
kathy you mentioned the first family is out to get you?
actually its the other way around.
political bases and hollywood in general have been out to get president
trump with madonna saying she wants to blow up the white house and snoop
dogg doing a mock assassination and his s.o.b of a cousin wanting to pimp
out first lady melania trump.
and kendrick lamar slamming trump several times in a diss track aimed at the president with the most vial lyrics ever.
and the trumps are plotting against you?
you all provoked the president into defending himself because you
people can't accept the man won fair and square and with pasts like
yours some of you should outta just sit down and shut up.
meanwhile kathy also said she is'nt going to let some white guy ruin her career he messed with the wrong red head.
well apparently she messed with the wrong president because she did say she was contacted by the secret service.
kathy some white guy really?
saying what you said you have to say that, well i guess you know being a
liberal leftist has strings attached and as ive mentioned in my other
three slams hollywood in its Afrocentric black lives matter way has put a
target on whites backs and apparently has you claimed as the first
so kathy he broke you?
you broke yourself out of all the other means you could have done you chose this one and it backfired severely.
your an entertainer you make people laugh?
you haven't made people laugh all you have done is insult people by all
means necessary how you got famous sounds like a kim kardashian hail
i remember the days when comedy was funny and its a total disaster now because of people like you.
in grade school how we were tought to respect one another we where
tought to NOT make fun of each other, what ever happened to that?
kathy has made a career in the absolute other direction making fun of others to make only herself feel better.
only funny on the left's side when a conservative is the one of attack
but when a liberal is being attacked like that its front page news, so
again where is the tolerance and inclusivity and respect of others
views like we were promised? we heard little from all the major elites like a ghost town.
no where in sight once again hollywood displays the my rehashed version of lactose intolerance for political intolerance.
these so called comedians and leftist celebrities are lulled into the
fact with there money and fame they have the right to say and do what
they want with little to no consequence, boy were they terribly
mistaken, kathy and to these other celebs you are public figures and you
are held to a higher standard and we as the consuming people expect
better out of you we pay for fun not politics and if you want to retain a
following i suggest you stick to your job and leave the politics at
home and better understand the issues around you and tailor make your
jokes so that you will truly not offend anyone, with that in mind it
shows how kathy and many others like her show no sign of creativity and
prove to be nothing but utter failures.
in that case i must also
remind you that we are living in a culture where you never know who you
might offend so you most certainly must choose your words carefully if
you do not wanna be categorized as the usual a homaphob a racist you
name it and like i mentioned kathy you broke every single rule and yet
you still think your invincible even after your outed and your world is collapsing around you.and kathy you want another example?
how about bill maher's house n word comment?
think about it its another example of the leftists false morals again using and abusing the issue of race when it suits them.
the left does not give two mierda's about civil rights and its right in front of your face laides and gentelman.
for example its like i drop a penny something as tidius and stupid as
that and i can offend an entire snowflake generation.its like the left
just generates this stuff at random! lunacy!
yes freedom of speech goes a
long way but to a certain degree we often times go too far and abuse
our first amendment rights by stunts like this.
once again i
present you with my infamous math problem the left has put america into
fractions and divided us by two a division between the left and the
as open minded people we are walking on eggshells.
i feel so sorry for the people who wasted there time believing in you only to be screwed over in the end.
so people like these were are supposed to look up too and revere?
forgive my french but i say HELL NO!
who the hell are yall to threaten and intimidate our president like this?
about the thousands of threats being sent all over twitter and other
social media sites inspired by these alt left socialist celebrities.
whose hate filled jives have inspired there fans to hate on our president by
all means you should be ashamed and you cannot figure out why so many
bad thing are happening to left?
i know why karma what goes
around comes around hollywood's lying and scheming with the george
soros's of the world is coming to bite them ten times as hard.
so its okay to laugh at other expense?
listening to these people its perfectly fine in which its not.
has the left gone senile?
that's a fact because after all this stuff just comes out without thinking.
the president has won fair square and deal with it!
and if you do not like it move to a country were it best suits your political agenda and we'll see you in 8 years.
hollywood people think they know all the answers and there word is law,
some make all this money and do not donate charity or even pay there
taxes hypocrite!
and you say the 1% has all the money tough!
im here to remind you hollywood does not control freedom of speech how
we view things we need to stand up and tell the hollywood elite that
there days of reverse cegragation and racism are numbered. but the moral of the story is they just don't care as long as no one is bold enough to challenge them.
should not feel ashamed by so called a listers for voting for who we the
american people believe should be the right choice for america.
power and fame should not define how we feel about our vote.
kathy for once you brought the left and the right together on something in condemnation of yourself.
A scandal so gruesome that even the left has turned their back on you for obvious reasons.
its like the left is saying leftist has fallen.
this time on may this serve as a lesson to those who follow in your
footsteps that the american people have put hollywood under notice and
we are taking our country back from leftist control and tyranny and that
your days of fame plotting scheming are severely numbered
cant and you will never comeback from this your career is over like many
conservatives careers were destroyed by your political establishment.
a career full of sleaziness your legacy as comedian is forever mud the
only thing you made me laugh about is that your entire career is a total
joke.so cgt grades you kathy a grade F. this story only proves that you
messed with the wrong political party and that your ignorance of the
fact that no one would say anything and was just going to put up and
shut up was most certainly underestimated.
just another example of someone who does not deserve to be famous.
-celebrity grades.
GRADE F ps if you have a celebrity you'd like us to grade drop us a private message and will give the honest truth you won't see anywhere else.
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