watch out #kpop looks like the american left is conjuring up another false narrative.
recently teen vogue put out an article that unfairly brands #kpop as racist and falsely accuses kpop of plagiarizing music.the article also injects several falsehoods that need to be addressed.
so lets get to the before we start pointing more fingers could it be #koreans don't know what blackface means to the usa?
could it be that that korea does not know what the n word means?
i have reviewed the mamamoo incident and draw this conclusion, so renditioning bruno mars and going blackface make no mistake blackface should never be tolerated, apparently mamamoo liked bruno mars so much they wanted to dress and be just like him so they donned blackface and covered his song.
this leads to my other theory.
i assume american civil rights is not taut in korea correct me if im wrong but if that be the case it appears that they went ahead with no heads up knowledge of the backlash to come through no fault of there own.
so lets assume us civil right is not taut there because we have to remember its another continent and they have there own culture and history to learn so that's possibly the issue they do not know.when it was made clear to them mamamoo apologized no questions asked and they asked respectively you educate them to be better inclusive to worldwide fans, so about the lyrics portion mamamoo member hwasa covered a beyonce song that contained the n word.
now lets put this into perspective just because hwasa used the word only in the song does not make her automatically racist, she was only making a cover singing her favorite song like famous or not famous people would do with there favorite songs would you call that theft?
some have alleged theft of lyrics in this case listen up if you read my last paragraph it has nothing to do with that.kpop associates and music people there have done everything they could to make sure plagiarized songs don't make it to the air.
but this does not mean it happens round the clock.
something else i wanted to point out on that front is that no one in korea even knows what the n word means, in this case like many koreans not just them but in other cultures they may not know what the word is its not in there native vocabulary to actually know what it means.
so when they hear beyonce music or others who use this word it may sound like something else to koreans or that they may think its just another english verb.
here's the thing just because beyonce and jay z or whoever uses the n word does not make it okay for any ethnicity to use the word it is a racist word that should never be used.
long story short the bey hive thinks that people non black cant sing beyonce songs really?
so your trying to say beyonce only appeals to one race?
beyonce started out singing to everybody!
if you want to reach world audiences you cant appeal to just one race that's when a white person including kpop people sing them you just go ballistic?
thinking that way you won't have very much international fans left being Afrocentric.
calling them racist because they wanted to show they liked beyonce?
you lose fans more than you gain them by doing that and that's where the divide begins.
in another example can you understand korean right off the bat?
can koreans or other ethnicity understand english right off the bat?
that's your take your away they do not know and they do not understand unless you politely tell them.
i most certainly cant defend the use of blackface based on what i said yes i agree with you research could have been done but take into account the back reasons for it.
if you wanted a rendition you should have sang the song in your own skin not somebody else's bottom line.but on another takeaway as what this article has done it has generalized an entire music industry as the same which is totally wrong the actions of one should not define an entire industry as the same these incidents pointed out by teen vogue were accidents not continuous banter, if the problem was persistent you have a case but as far as im concerned you don' am an american kpop fan i dont believe for a second kpop is systemically racist and it most certainly sends the wrong message of what kpop is about.
not only was this article totally biased it did not go after the right people or bring out what kpop has done to bridge the gap.
why have you not gone after kpop group bts (bangtan boys) for there racist conduct?
i dont see you going after them a group which has a vulger lyric and racist past there is your case right there.
and if kpop and korea was a racist nation as you proclaim kbs (korean broadcasting system) actually blocked bts's songs from being played because of the subject matter where was the reporting in that?
just to make the argument fair here.
so if kpop was systemically racist can you tell me why they have been fighting to so hard to make it in america?
or did you forget that kpop has black and african american stars too?
jaden smith even became a kpop star.
and even kpop have taken ideas from black celebrities,and we call them racist for that?
you should be thankful instead.
this also leads to my other point, there are many reasons why kpop is having is having a hard time in america, if you read columns like this that's part of the reason and it boils down to three things prejiduce and politics and class.
because hollywood is controlled by liberals.
have you noticed why there are more British celebrities and groups making it in america?
expect to see more of them and here's why, you see my theory is the uk is a liberal state and they speak english what more does hollywood want out of them?
and they hate trump just as hollywood does.
and korea is a conservative state and speaks there native language and supports trump.
how can we confirm that there is bilingual bias in hollywood?
well just a month ago a hollywood comedian chelsea handler said she has no respect for Melania trump and says she cant speak english what have ive been saying?
laides and gentelman if miss handler can talk that way about america's first lady what is hollywood saying about kpop and others who sing in there native tounge?
you see hollywood has promoted diversity and inclusivity for so long how racist does it make them sound when they talk like that?
if it was about beyonce the coverage would most certainly be different and it would be front page news.
this is what hollywood really thinks.
so let me ask you question as long as you have been watching music and movie award shows how many asian music groups or actors or actresses did you see win anything in the usa to your knowledge?
now i have nothing against british and african american artists but i believe there is an equality problem.
if your afraid that you cant understand what a kpop artist is saying why dont you just ask them to sing in english?
they would gladly do so, at least that is what girls generation did when they came to the usa they changed there style learned more english but still that was not enough for the alt left hollywood establishment.another suggestion its called english subtitles you even have translator apps that are free of charge.there most certainly is a liberal bias going on in hollywood.
another example into why kpop is not popular here is because most kpop celebrities refuse to lower themselves to hollywood's sleezy standards, they choose not to curse in there lyrics or go low.
things hollywood has turned a blind eye to and stuff like this mostly dominates the polls.instead we rather waist our time listening to beyonce jay z and nicki minaj kim kardashian the list goes on, people who curse in there lyrics music i just call noise gets a grammy seriously?
half the the things hollywood endorses korea is against though they respect your views they just kindly disagree.
the moral of this story is imagine all the talent we are missing and wasting because of a political preconceived agenda.
to a theory.
in this divided hollywood culture celebrities of color most certainly liberal celebrities have used and abused racism to advance there agenda and to shut down enemies and political opponents and those they don't agree with.
lets start with beyonce and whiz kalifa for example.
twice beyonce's flamable fan base known as the beyhive accused cma and the 2017 grammys of racism when beyonce lost the awards show they also alledged the same thing with the cma's when beyonce tried to submit her song daddy lessons r rated in nature.
it was rejected by cma's for being a vulger song, why on earth would she try to submit such a song to a conservative event?
so in a totally of the script incident the song co played by the dixie chicks against cma's will was played anyway with beyonce a surprise stage appearance.
what part of no did she not understand?
contrast that to the grammys beyonce won only one grammy out of the 89 nominations she so called was destined to win but lost anyway fans of beyonce and sister solange pulled the cried wolf racist routine which failed miserably.
now a take away.
hey beyonce for both incidents if your lryics was not so vulger and you were not so sleezy and didint make false naritives against the police maybe you would have a chance at those nominations it has nothing to do with the color of your skin, just be thankfull you and your fans that it was reviewed in the first place but you lost deal with it!
its the people's event not yours you even had adele to vouch for you in her unclassy way.later the next month with you at 7th place gg's taeyeon beat you at third place with adele at seccond place on itunes,a pretty high honor for a kpop star considering its an honor not many kpop stars achieve.beyonce you do not control the music industry without your star status your just a civilian like the rest of are not immortal and you are not god just a human being.are you the same power couple that sang about shooting cops and gays?
who wins 89 nominations and loses anyway?
and you got a grammy its not like you went away empty handed.
to whiz kalifa during the mnet music awards in hong kong a collaboration between taeyeon and whiz fell through and on twitter which is pro beyonce its most certainly rare taeyeon or any other kpop star trends on twitter for any reason at all, as i saw whiz falsely accuses taeyeon of backing out there performance, before whiz got the facts he fires off on twitter lodging 3 phony accusations with the quotes "Never apologize for being yourself and never let anyone else’s self projection determine your worth."
"The fact that Teyeon backed out of our performance caught me off guard too but never accept rejection as failure."
"She claimed she had to go to the hospital the night before.
Did the practice.
Asked to be on a different stage than me then canceled" and also claims taeyeon lied, false.
no mister khalifa you lied!
as far as i know miss taeyeon spent 3 hours with you rehearsing she wanted this happen more than you did, and she devoted time she time she didn't have for you.she went back to her hotel until further notice not the hospital.
and in the end it turned out neither of them was as fault mnet was.
well your fans obviously felt you were jipped by taeyeon you even agreed with one of them.
so then the fanbase wars were on whiz fans acting the aggressor calling taeyeon the n word and accusing her of being a racist here we go again.
look i know taeyeon she is not a racist if she made friends with kehlani she's capable of making friends of a diverse audience.
and when fine was released the same amount of diversity was included!
but dont bother explaining that to whiz fans because they dont seem like they wanna forgive and forget or hear anything different.
now apparently whiz your accusing taeyeon of stealing your influence?...
who needs you!
the same man who said to the paparazzi he cant get no p===y because of them?
and a week before that he's handing joints to them like old friends.
what an idiot!
what a terrible appointment you paired taeyeon with somebody like whiz are you crazy?
and we are forced basically to revere these people?
are these the only options for music we have?
there is a better way.
you may not realize it whiz and hollywood but kpop and girls generation is popular in the us weather you see it or not your surrounded by kpop weather you want to think about it or not.
taeyeon and the girls know there is a big world out there and there doing there best to reach out to those bases its all about giving them and kpop a chance.there is a pattern here its not just kpop people who been victims of these false narratives people back here have gotten it.
you see if hollywood carries on this internal racism and other celebs do the cry wolf routine the claim of racism will no longer be effective entailing a here we go again sentiment and people with legit claims will not be properly believed.
this must stop.
now do it in reverse what if, what if kpop claimed racism when they didn't win anything in the usa when technically they dont that would be first page news wouldn't it?
or would it be ignored?
i feel you have a case most certainly.they haven't gone that route as far as ive seen.
while beyonce gives you the finger after the gammy's kpop stars just respect the outcome,so its also a scare tactic to be exact.of course we don't want to deny racism exists but dont be so militant about it.
of course its a double standard reverse racism.even if kpop stars lower themselves or endorse beyonce or any other popular BET star it will not do any good because the stigma is still there.and if your under the impression they will like you back its virtually impossible.and cant you figure out that the way some of these BET stars present themselves could be a turn off to kpop and making them feel differently?
now look as we see kpop has been falsely accused of racism you do not need whiz khalifa or beyonce to advance yourself to prove your not racist.
cant kpop see its this liberal hollywood establishment that is keeping kpop out of america?
it seems like when celebs and hollywood accept kpop its only if the celebrity says they like the artist themselves really?you see the left only props up people who believe there views only.
and why has it been so hard to find collaborations with western artists?
its like kpop is a forgotten industry a Cinderella story in the in the mean time do you what you've been doing all this time being online and at kcon how else will you reach the world?
kcon is not a competition its a concert directed at countries in hopes that music moguls there will be interested in what they have to offer. When i saw the kcon performance i saw all walks of life there not just asians. I saw blacks i saw whites and i saw spanish in the audiences. Yes kpop reached out to everyone. Kpop dreamt and made it happen.
so let me ask you another question how did you discover kpop?
well your not going to hear about it in the mainstream media of the us except online us entertainment blogs.
to be fair we have billboard we have fuse we have variety we have i heart radio we have the american music awards.
now these people i commend they finally realize that when you cover music you should cover all people's music even its music you and i disagree with.
teen vogue i dont know what the big switch is but you have featured kpop people before what is the turnaround all of a sudden?
if it was not an issue then why is it an issue now?
if there is any transgressions it should be brought out like i just did earlier with bts.
but again you should NOT brand everyone as the same that's just rushing to judgement.
you see thanks to hollywood kpop is segregated online its the best way to reach out to its international fanbases as though the american media and hollywood does not seem to care.
on five major music videos girls generation achieved 5 million views add all that together and the calculator will go bust computing it all, so at the grammy's you need like a two thirds majority to make it there?
gg has accomplished that two times over that is more than enough support to get them there.
but is anyone talking about that?
now look music is music even if we dont understand what there saying i still enjoy it its what true diversity is.
so with the case laid out why cant hollywood just admit they just don't want kpop here hmm?
or what do you have against kpop?
now im not asian but if you had to hire a white actor to play a asian women you got a problem man,you cant go into koreatown or chinatown to recruit one?
why do you have to hire someone who knows nothing about asian culture and is not even asian?
is hollywood truly diverse?
no its not, if hollywood was truly diverse we would not have this issue granted!
now all of a sudden hollywood wants to be so diverse and inclusive remember the mgm days of the 60's in the cartoons when they wanted more blacks in films?
yes they included them but put white on there faces to look like monkeys, its not me saying that google it.
so now hollywood wants to make up for it in a leftist crooked way.
so it concludes hollywood was racist themselves!
they didint know anything about black people back then and now so they just go with anybody that's why liberals reach out to people like nicki minaj and beyonce jay z they just go with anybody and they have done nothing but put americans in fractions and divide us by two.
keeping kpop out of america is a suddle way to appealing to those they your willing to ignore kpop's achievements just to prop up your agenda?
these achievements are not local wins there global wins yet hollywood is not even the only class of conservatism you accept is country music,again i have nothing against them but even them you give a hard time suppressing people who dont believe what you believe.
i think that is more discriminatory than anything else you claim,i think its sickening.
like this teen vogue article its another sad and frustrating roose to keep kpop out of america.
another reason they just cant compete with massive group fanbases like one direction ariana grande you name it its feirce competetion.
a lot of red's something were not talking about, for international women's day what about girls generation's glass ceiling shattering when they paved the way for other female groups in korea to prosper?
literally breaking the chains of misogyny in korea.
if it also was not for psy and snsd you would not know anything about for 10 years strong snsd has survived hate racism of all kinds and continues to prevail you think the left cares about that?
i dont think so its a story you think they might like to hear considering the values they push,but there ears is deaf and stopped up.
and in nyc's women's march into the new world was played of course i had to hear that online.
how about when snsd won youtube music video of the year in 2013 even beating out psy.
the only one to give snsd any kindness was katy perry and a big thank you to her for reaching out to them.
afterwards losing fanbases as they always do took to social media to attack and demean snsd calling them ching chang chong and much worse.
where on god's green earth was the outrage?
most likely you wont because the left only cares about the issues they wanna hear and nobody else's.could it be your just ashamed because they showed your sleezy standards how its done?
and again if it where bruno mars beyonce jayz for a second that would not be tolerated.
but if a kpop group is attacked no coverage dead silence.
so the next time you accuse kpop of being naturally racist take this commentary into account.
they and other kpop groups wanted to reach out to the usa but we basically told them to get the hell out.
making articles like teen vogue will only further discourage kpop groups from coming here and most likely make them afraid to be here because of the climate we set for them.
so they went back to asia because they felt more loved there and not here,so im watching award show after award show and im wondering gee why is kpop and girls generation not being considered?example as that country music star tritt would say how come you wont invite us to the BET awards?
speaking of youtube music awards they also said kpop is only known in asia.
also wrong.
so most importantly gg deserves a second chance here and other kpop groups the same.
now im not saying give every tom dick and harry the store its true kpop groups and other here in the usa and Brittan rise and fall and even if you don't indulge in kpop just be fair when a group from another country wants to reach out to the usa don't push them back welcome as an 8 member group at there last kcon appearance dressed up in american attire to show they respect our values just as we so called do there's.
leader of the group taeyeon filmed her music video called why in palm springs california and tiffany from la herself filmed i just wanna dance in la so there not out of touch with america lets keep that in mind.
sunny a gg member from orange county california but spent the rest of her life overseas and former member jessica from san Francisco i think they were great for this country and we just threw all of that away.
yes at the time gg and kpop received there press as they left the coverage went with them back to cyberspace they where is the diversity and inclusivity we were promised?
because i don't see it.i just don't see it.
it is a wait and see game a believe it when i see it type of motion when hollywood changes its ways finally.
we are not perfect we all make mistakes but lets not let hate triumph over forgiveness.
now the point of this op ed is not demonize or put down anyone but how come we hear more of british and african american culture then we do asian culture? birds of a feather flock together. hollywood has proven that it will exclude any culture that does not believe theirs, its dictatorship in a way.
think about it all we hear about south korea is north korea and a disaster or like the former president and samsung nothing but failure.nothing nice to hear about other places its all gloom and doom.while we chant equality now we are seriously overlooking a major issue here.
you see if the america's reach out to other countries why cant other places do the same here and find equal fame?
you cannot monopolize an entire music industry because of an this section its called restriction its called playing favorites control.
but what it should be called is freedom of choice and freedom of speech not what hollywood dictates who you follow.
you hollywood also goes by who's most popular not who's most talented and in certain cases it does not matter weather the person is clean cut or not.
kpop stars changed everything on themselves just to appeal to the usa we make them speak english yet we do what we want in other people's countries irrespective of there values and 2015 i found kpop and girls generation like many of you online and not on tv,i found them on g+ every now and then they would find things to my interest and long story short i found a blog all about the kpop idustry i listened to gg's party time and from then on ive been a kpop addict.
its so much different from what is portrayed about kpop and asians in general,gg runs and most other kpop groups run the sexy not sleezy rule and that is also something hollywood cant wrap there head around while other celebs in the usa broke there promises of being squeaky clean girls generation on top an american poll polling at 1st place beating out little mix spice girls you name it a group that chose class over sleazyness its one of many reasons they are the queens of kpop and they are the number one girl group in the world weather some want to see that or not.
everyone if it was not for kpop i would not have the diverse world view i thought i would never have.
kpop has shown me there is a bigger world of music out there without g+ i probably would still not know what kpop is to this very day.i wrote this op ed because i believe there is a problem.
i believe this kind of discrimination should be exposed kpop has every right to be here and its high time the fame hogs stand aside and let somebody new have that position and may we have true diversity.we did not reach out to them they reached out to us and we just said no.mark my words change is coming we are surrounded by diversity keeping it out is not the path to modernity in fact it contradicts what hollywood stands for.i stand for gg the most because there is no ethical reason why girls generation and kpop cant be famous here.its not because there unpopular which is and understatement its not because there bad girls its because of what was layed out here politics racism class bottom line.
i dont understand how such talented people can be thrown under the bus like this which is very sad.its like whatever hollywood says is what you get its like one size fits all what you see is what you get.
kpop my message to you is come back to america prove what your worth.
me and many others believe in you but do you believe in us enough to try again?
hollywood why don't you invite some kpop groups to one of your award shows what are you afraid of?
i know because you dont want to offend someone by reaching out to a certain group as you feel your excluding others, i thought inclusion was based on all people?
not a political belief.there is a reason why certain people are not being heard.
kpop my message to you please we want you back more than anything deep down inside hollywood needs you.someone made a petition to bring kpop to there country and we should start one to bring kpop to america.this op ed was made to encourage you to come back people i also wrote this because we need to start a debate we need to speak out this issue needs to be risen up and brought to light in a democratic peaceful way.
the question is how can hollywood get away with this?
because they can afford too that's of these days it will all catch up to you eventually and the true diversity will cave in.
though my thoughts were based mostly on theory and actual facts and though we dont have definitive proof to back up everything im saying the problem is real and it is unraveling at the seems.even if this story does not get anywhere consider it out there.
as kpop would say fighting!
that's my view.
let me know what you think of my opening statement in comments.
thank you.
-celebrity grades.